You have spend most of the time on internet and collects latest information. If a blogger is good in writing he/she can easily attract readers. If you want visitors to keep coming to your website, there are certain things you need to remember to do before publishing your post. Some of the points you should know before Publishing a post. Today the topic is on about 30 Important Things You Should Do Before Publishing Your Blog Post.
Things to do Before Publishing your Blog Post
1) The first and most important point is check the whole article which you have been wright just now. Check the content, heading, H3 tags etc.2) Make sure your content is free from grammar and spelling mistakes.
3) The article should be written in a proper manner, neither to long nor too short. Minimum word limit should be 1000-2000 words.
4) There should be clarity in your article.
5) Always marks high points dark shaded. You can also use bullets and numberings to give a different look to your article.
6) The heading must be interesting and unique which clarifies others that this topic related to which topic or subject.
7) You are always updated with latest techniques and information's.
8) Build up good and friendly relationships with your readers and other bloggers.
9) Give a quick look to your post's title make sure it is catchy enough to attract readers/visitors to read the post. If you are not satisfied with your post's title then rework on title and make your title more attractive.
10) Check your post URL, header tags, page title, anchor text and image alt text for the keywords you’re targeting.
11) Always writes a short description about your topic because it helps readers to know about the whole post.
12) Check your keywords appropriately in your post’s title, image’s alt tag or where ever it required. Keyword research is the first step of on page SEO to grab search engine traffic.
13) Always paste 2-3 images in your article, it gives a innovative look to your talent. Images should be related with your content. Always give ALT-Tags to your image.
14) Contact through comments to help your visitors.
15) Give categories to your article like- blogger,blogging,make money,Google AdSense,marketing etc.
16) Give hyperlinks to your articles by which readers clicks on that word and go to other your site page to see another article. By this you are able to generate quality traffic.
17) Always there for your readers. Help them to solve their problems related to your topic. Be polite.
18) Play with formatting toolbar. Give colourful design to your content.
19) Use exclamatory sign where it necessary. It gives nice and attractive look.
20) If you upload an video in your post. Check the load time,voice and image clarity and duration. Make sure your voice sounds brisk, enthusiastic and your diction is clears.
21) Make sure your links open in a new Tab.
22) Reduce the use of hard and jargon words. Make sure your content are written in a easy language.
23) Make sure that your post permalink is SEO friendly and well optimized.
24) Give proper credits to the content which you copied whether it is an image, video or any text.
25) Ask your readers to subscribe to your blog in the end of post.
26) Write an conclusion about your whole article.
27) Before publishing an article, always see the preview of your article. Remember a great presentation has immense visual appeal, even if the content is average, a great a looking post will bring you respect.
28) Search engines hate keyword stuffing, hence try to make your keyword density to 2 to 6%. Search engine can consider your posts as spam if you have used keywords in excess.
29) Save your work for future use.
30) In the end, see the whole article with a quick look. After completing the post check that post has covered all necessary points and none is untouched.
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