Useful tips for Getting more Blog Readers and Subscribers
Guest posting
This is an most useful and important criteria to get more and more traffic to your website. Now a days guest posting is very much popular among bloggers. With the help of guest post you can able to get a backlink, getting referral traffic and most important getting targeted traffic. It is an important way to get more traffic, more comments and moreover more subscribers. Don't think that it is a waste of time always post one article daily for other blog.
Link within the Blog
It an effective way to keep encourage your readers to come back and visit your site again. When you writes an article, always give hyperlinks in your content by doing this people click on them and automatically visit to the next article of your site. Always give nice stuffs to your readers, because it encourages further exploration. But be sure it will open in a new Tab.Add Value
Why should a person read your blog instead of someone else’s? What is your motive behind the blog? Why are you writing? What's the blog about? What message do you convey? I mean there are so many question are generated in minds, so be clear about your thoughts. Don'ts always just writes article like an robot, always shows the reader that there are more interesting posts they have yet to discover.Blog Commenting
This is an most amazing and effective way to generate traffic. Through comments you can generate huge population to your website. Build up an good relationship with your readers and other bloggers. Commenting on other blogs not only increase your networking but at the same time this will increase your traffic. Traffic is most important for survival of blog.
Post regularly
This is most important point for generating huge traffic for your blog. Your readers always look for a beautiful post, and they always visit your site but if you are not able to post regularly then it gives little bit of sadness, so always post articles regularly and make your visitors happy. Be punctual!!Use Social Media as Traffic Weapon
Everybody loves Social media sites. Even i love Facebook, every time i love to post status on me FB wall, photos tags,comments all i just loved it. Social media has more than a Million users and i am quite sure that my readers also love to hangout with Facebook, twitter etc. So why don't you use it like an branding weapon. People love these kinds of websites and if you can create a page related to your site then it will generate a huge traffic. So use social media sites to promote your website.
Blog Design and its Layout
Every body knows “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” but at the same time “First impression is the last impression”. Its most important that your website template must be impressive that will encourage readers to come back again and again to your website. Instead of working on adding lots of ads, work on adding less but premium ads at most effective position. Offer a very neat and clean interface and easy way to navigate your blog/website.
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