Most Expensive Paintings in the World-
1) The card players-
It is an oil painting painted by French post-impressionist artist Paul Cezanne during his final period in early 1890's. One version of The Card Players was sold in 2011. In February 2012, Pride Truthful claimed that the royal family of Qatar had, throughout 2011, bought their edition of the painting for a record price variously approximated at involving $250 million and $300 million from the personal selection of Greek delivery tycoon George Embiricos.
2) No. 5, 1948-
No. 5, 1948 is a painting by Jackson Pollock. Exact price rate is $140 million. The painting was done on an 8' × 4' sheet of fiberboard, with thick amounts of brown and yellow paint drizzled on top of it, forming a nest-like appearance. It was originally owned by Samuel Irving Newhouse, Jr. and displayed at the Museum of Modern Art before being sold to David Geffen and then allegedly to David Martinez in 2006.
3) Woman III-
It is an excellent example of abstract expressionism, created in 1953, when he was regarded as a leader of the movement. Willem de Kooning passed away in 1997, after a long battle with illness, possibly Alzheimers. Tag price of this painting is $137.5 million.
4) Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I-
Lauder sought to create a collection of Jewish-owned art which had been rescued from the Nazis, to be placed prominently in the Neue Galerie in New York, where the collection remains on display. It consists of gold, silver and oil on canvas, and is certainly eye-catching.
5) Portrait of Dr. Gachet-
Portrait of Dr. Gachet is one of the most revered paintings by the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh. It depicts Dr. Paul Gachet, who took care of van Gogh during the final months of his life. There are 2 versions of this portrait. The first version fetched a record price of $90 million when sold at auction in New York.
6) Jackson Pollock-
Right now, this stunning "drip" by Jackson Pollock is the most expensive contemporary painting ever sold, though the exact price was never confirmed, but widely reported as David Martinez. Although it was a private sale, it was brokered by Sotheby’s auctioneer Tobias Meyer.
7) The Scream-
Edvard Munch's iconic painting 'The Scream', considered one of the most recognisable in art world, was sold for over $120 million, creating a new record for the highest price ever paid for a work of art at any auction. The auction house did not release the name or any other details of the buyer. The bidder was participating in the auction through phone.
8) Garcon a la pipe-
It was painted in 1905, when Picasso was just 24 years old, in what is described as his “Rose” period. The picture has a remarkable androgynous quality to it, with a boy holding a pipe, adorned with a floral wreath, contrasting the masculine and feminine.
9) Dora Maar au Chat-
Dora Maar was one of Picasso’s favorite muses, and they had a passionate relationship in the 1930s and 1940s. This painting, measuring 130- 97 cm, was recently rediscovered and authenticated by Picasso's daughter, Maya Widmaier Picasso. Price rate of this painting is $100 million.
10) "Eight Elvises," Andy Warhol-
This unique work by Warhol, measuring over 12 feet long, had been at the collection of Roman collector Annibale Berlingieri for over 40 years. It was purchased by an unknown private collector, and dwarfed the previous record for a Warhol work of $75 million, for “Green Car Crash.
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