Search engines utilize an method/algorithm to determine where a website ranks and stand. The search engines have set up specific criteria that a website must meet to get to the top of the ranking list. The criteria are different for every engine, but all engines share several commonalities.
If you really want to improve your blog/website ranking then you must follow these simple steps. And keep enjoying and boosting your ranking and drive targeted traffic.
Tips to Improve Google Search Engine Ranking
1) Blog’s Niche-
The first point is “Blog’s Niche”. Yes! it is very important. I mean niche is very important and you have to write your content according to your blog niche. For example if your site is based on money making facts then you have to write your articles which is mainly focus on earning money. Before building an site/blog do surfing and searching on net, always think beyond your limit. Try to grab unique things. Your blog niche is very much important so whenever you try to build an website, your niche must be unique and attractive.
2) Keywords-
The most important step for increasing your Google ranking is “keywords”. Always use targeted keywords. Its always recommended to select the keywords for a topic before starting to write on it. using keywords in your article makes it more Search engine friendly. Avoid to use such type of keywords like is, an, the etc.
3) Title Tag & Meta Tag Description-
Title of your article must be attractive and simple. Don't confuse audience. Use only that type of title which reflects the whole story of your article. Your title must be unique, attractive, and always use targeted keywords. Meta tag description means the above intro which you have mentioned in the upper side of the post. This description is very much important for your article because it describe your whole content of your article. Meta-tags help search engines know what your article is about and then links it with appropriate search results.
4) Focus on your content-
It is most important that whatever you writing, it contain useful information. Your whole article reflects your image towards your audience and readers. Your post decided about your writing skills. Focus on your content means you have to calculate your ideas and then decide to write an post.
5) Build internal links-
If you use hyperlinks in your post then it will generate high traffic to your website/blog. Building internal links means interlinking your article on one another. If you linking your post and if an reader click on particular word then automatically the other article will open, it will generate and boost your blog traffic.6) Use Alt Tags-
Whatever you uploaded an image for your post, always give an perfect Alt tags for your image. If you give an alt tags for your image and then this image display on Google search image option. People generally avoid and feel lazy to use and optimize this step. But i prefer use this step if you really want to increase your Google ranking.
7) Use Categories-
Well!! When we talking about categories, it struck our mind that all things should be manage properly. Categories refers to that part and portion where every post/article should be categories into different articles. Categories also help define your content for the search engines. But more important, they help searchers navigate your site, providing a better search experience. Categories include make money, blogging, marketing, social media.
8) A good knowledge and a good grammar-
If you don't have a knowledge about your post/article then you wont be able to write an perfect post and if you are not able to write an good post then it will lack your viewers/readers. So try to research and collect deep knowledge about your content then decided to write an perfect article. If your article contain too much grammar mistakes, spell mistakes then it will distract your readers interest. So make sure that you have a good knowledge and perfection towards your article.9) Use of Social Media-
We all know that social media is one of the best and superior place where anyone can easily become famous very easily. As we all know that with the help of social media most of the bloggers got success for their blogs/websites. Social media include Google+, Facebook, Orkut, LinkedIn, twitter, YouTube etc.
Google search is very beneficial for the Social media marketing. we can also utilize Google social search for our business purposes. Start promoting your blog and website on different different sites because social media become viral and easily spread all over the world.
10) Processing speed of your blog-
Last but not the least, the step and tip is Your blog/website processing speed. Search engines prefer sites that have a high loading speed because slow sites take more time in getting indexed as well as getting visitors too. To boost your blog’s loading speed, avoid using heavy plug-ins and widgets and use compressed images.Thanks!!
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