top 30 blogs Today we would like to share an interesting topic which is based on famous and popular blogs and their details. If you are a real blogger than you must find its interesting. Blogging is a field which i personally resemble to the future investment. Below you find an epic list of famous blogs and their ranks in the world. You can search out these blogs and learn an innovative ideas for your own blog and site. These blogs and websites have good alexa rank and also having good pagerank. You check out these blogs and maintain your site. You may heard some of these but not all. So check out these blogs and keep share this post.

Popular 30 Blogs- 2013

Below there some popular and most visited  

Serial No.                Blog                                   PageRank                                    Alexa
1                           SEOmoz                                         6                                              370
2                           WPBeginner                                   6                                              3,120
3                           CopyBlogger                                  7                                              3353
4                           Problogger                                     6                                              3387
5                           Smart Passive Income                    5                                              6415
6                           Daily Blog Tips                               6                                              7213
7                           John Chow                                     5                                              8564
8                           Basic Blog Tips                              5                                              9854   
9                           YoungPrePro                                 4                                             10435
10                         Top Rank Blog                               6                                             10780
11                         Traffic Generation Cafe                 4                                             11453
12                         IncomeDiary                                   4                                             11580
13                         Quick Online Tips                           5                                            12342
14                         Shoemoney                                    5                                            12550
15                         Blogging Tips                                 5                                            13160
16                         iTechCode                                     3                                            14001
17                         Think Traffic                                   5                                           16821
18                         Blogging Cage                               2                                           17820
19                         Entrepreneurs Journey                  5                                           17920
20                         Dukeo                                            3                                           19690
21                           Viperchill                                       5                                            22621
22                          Chris Brogan                                  6                                            23250
23                        We Blog Better                                4                                           23320
24                        Zac Johnson                                   4                                            23570
25                        Matts Marketing Blog                      5                                         23750           26                        Blogging Pro                                   3                                           24812
27                        Pro Blogging Success                     3                                           25360
28                        ClickNewz                                        4                                           26254
29                        Lorelle On WordPress                    6                                            28512
30                        Blogging With Amy                          3                                           30431

Conclusion :-

Well, i hope you get this post, and if you having some other sites which you think is the top site than you can also mention these sites in the commenting box. Also you can share this post on your social networking sites.

That’s all!!