Tips To setting up a business page on Facebook without a personal account.
How do I act as my business page?
How To Setup a Perfect Business Page on Facebook?
Tips To Create a Facebook Business Page
Tips To Build Business on Facebook?
How do I act as my business page?
How To Setup a Perfect Business Page on Facebook?
Tips To Create a Facebook Business Page
Tips To Build Business on Facebook?
As we know that a user or a business man can setup their business along with huge capital. But here we will tell you how to increase your market rates for your business. This article is all about How to Setup a Perfect Business Page on Facebook? Facebook is one of the best social networking and if you really want to spread your business online throughout the world than Facebook provide the best platform. You can easily setup your business online and promote all around. There are millions of users on Facebook, so if you are going to setup your business their than you will surely get success. Just you have to follow simple steps and start promoting your business online easily.
AlsoSee- How To Create A Facebook Fan Page For Your Blog
How to Build a Perfect Business Page on Facebook- Tips & Techniques
Choose Classification
First of all you have to choose your business class. What kind of your business is? Which category your site and business is belonging. You have to choose the category of your business. Their are different types of classification are available on Facebook like- brand or product, company, entertainment field, community etc. Your business motive and the reason behind it will tell us the main story regarding it. So try to choose the category carefully.
These are some classification types you must check while creating an business page on Facebook.
- Local Business or Place
- Company, Organization, or Institution
- Brand or Product
- Artist, Band, or Public Figure
- Entertainment
- Cause or Community
Admin Panel
Admin panel play an vital role in the field of social media. If you build up an page on Facebook regarding your business, so you have to keep your eye on admin panel because it leads some privacy section also. Every settings related to your business or page will manage and handle in the admin panel. So whenever you made some changes, look it twice and check the privacy policy also. Read the term and condition carefully.Brief Your Details
When ever you are register yourself in any site , you have to fulfill all the details regarding yourself, just like that you have to fill the details regarding yourself and regarding your business. So that people will learn about something relate to your business.Page Roles
You can add multiple members to your page and promote it worldwide.Just click on Settings and choose the Page Roles section. But firstly you have to became an administrative member so that no one can edit the changes.
There are five kinds of page roles are available on Facebook-
Admin: You become an master of your page and complete access to the Facebook page.
Editor: You can post messages, also you can create ads, sends messages to your friends, members, readers, edit the page and its settings, plus you can comment on various posts and view insights.
Moderator: You can also create ads, view insights, add comments, respond and delete the spam comments.
Advertiser: You can create ads, view insights, check which admin commented and posted messages.
Analyst:At last, you can check which admin commented and posted messages.
Editor: You can post messages, also you can create ads, sends messages to your friends, members, readers, edit the page and its settings, plus you can comment on various posts and view insights.
Moderator: You can also create ads, view insights, add comments, respond and delete the spam comments.
Advertiser: You can create ads, view insights, check which admin commented and posted messages.
Analyst:At last, you can check which admin commented and posted messages.
About Page

You have to fill the details in about section page and write about yourself in 3-4 stanza. Present your company profile very neatly and describe it fully. You can also give a website link of your company. So that people will directly subscribe to your website. Make your page publicly, so that more and more people will hit on Like button. The about section include all the information related to your page, you have to describe it and give full description about your company and business. For example
Upload Photo
You can also upload your picture or you can put the image and logo of your company or business. If you want a perfect square image will work, than the recommended size is 180 x 180 pixels. Your cover photo is also play an important role. It should be large, horizontal image that spans the top of your Facebook Page.
You can also choose your company banner and logo also. Typically, this is a branded image to help attract people to your Page, in short it is a technique to gain some readers and traffic to your page. The official photo dimensions are 851 x 315 pixels. Your cover image should be simple and also you can choose a picture which give some quotes and message about your company and business.
Search People
If you want to build your business throughout the country than search out the people which has a common interest just like yours. Find those people and members whose have same interest like yours. You can also follow those peoples on Facebook whose have same background field just like yours.Settings
You have to manage the website and your page settings. These include general, page info, post attribution, notifications, page roles and apps and features etc. You need to work upon advanced setup. Just click on Settings button from the top menu bar and go to Page Info.
In this section, you can add an address, the date, the time/ year when the business and website is founded, give a long description of the business beyond the 160 characters, website URL and additional contact information like your phone number (don't reveal your personal phone number) and email address.
All Done!!
All Done!!
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