Whenever you spend your dollars, then you must think once that it is worth it or not. Don't spend your money unwanted or unnecessary. Well, in this post we will tell you how you can spend your $10 in a useful way. Also don't forget to share this post on your social media profiles.

10 Feel-Good Ways To Spend A $10
1. Coffee
For a coffee drinker, a small step toward making your own beverage is a huge progress toward better living. You need less than $10 to purchase a Hario V60 Plastic Coffee Dripper. Even if it is made from plastic, this dripper is the real thing as you could check from hundreds of reviews, most of them written by coffee aficionados.2. Safer with LastPass Pro
LastPass is one of the most trusted password apps and most tech editors just love it. If you want to use it on as many devices you want, you need the Pro version.3. Automate image optimization with ShortPixel
Remember all those times when you uploaded a huge image on your blog and you lose visitors due to slow loading web pages? If not, it seems that your website doesn't make much traffic. 10k image optimization credits for your websites with $9.99 dollars.4. Waterproof Notepad
Best ideas come when you take a shower. Summer is coming, and you will lose a lot of good insights if you don’t note them down. Cosmos Waterproof Notepads is your solution.5. Wine bottle lock
Wine is too good, don’t you think? It is fun to drink it, but it could also be fun to lock it. Moreover, you can use your password manager to keep your wine bottle password safe as well.
6. Apps
Mobile apps don't cost a fortune, so if you have a favorite app, I recommend you to try their Pro version. I'll do this myself and I'll buy TuneIn Radio app. I used it a lot in the recent years and I want to show my gratefulness to its developers, not just to try the pro features.
7. Catnip grow kit - Protection fee
Music is good for heart and soul. So are cats. Don't be an asshole and treat them well. They bite you, they want your food, and they don't let you sleep. It is how they cope with not killing you. Be nice and grateful and grow some weed for the cats. Like any good thing, catnip can make your cat vomit if it eats too much.
- Check Phaidon promotions from time to time.
8. A bit of DIY. Not too much.
I know my limits, and doing my own things touch most of them. But there is hope. I really believe I can finish this pepper mill. Moreover, I really like freshly ground pepper in my food, so why not buy this beauty.9. Food for your mind - Wired subscription
Many of the ideas and tech concepts you heard about were boiled by Wired writers. $5.99 brings you a 6 months print & digital subscription. Don't forget that this is a promotional price and the subsequent months will cost more.Bonus:
- Udemy has a lot of $10 dollar per course offers. Just sign up for their newsletter.- Check Phaidon promotions from time to time.
10. Donations
Everybody's talking about social responsibility, and you could believe that helping others is overrated, but just make a small donation and see for yourself how good it feels. Your 10 dollars can help Wikipedia to stay alive, support good music Radio Paradise curates for us, or find your own cause.There are some more options for you all-
* You can buy gifts for your well wishers.
* Don't buy products just for the sake of showoff.
* Buy gifts to yourself.
* Let's do some charity/Donations.
* Spend on experiences.
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