SEO is one of the most important components of online marketing, as it ensures a sites visibility in the major search engines. If SEO is something you haven’t explored up to today, then you’ve come to the right place. Getting your site to feature on the first page of any search engine listings, can potentially drive thousands of new visitors to your site.

Top Most 6 SEO Tips For 2024 - 25

However, there are so many things you need to know and implement into your site, if you want it to rank. Which brings us to this article. Below you will find 6 SEO tips that will set you on the right path to positive search engine rankings.

SEO Tips For 2024 - 2025

1. Understand What Core Web Vitals Are

Core web vitals is a fairly recent term, in its introduction to the world of SEO. However, right now, it could be considered to be essential, which means, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with it. It wasn’t so long ago when Google rolled out a new update called Page Experience, this new addition, adds core web vitals as one of its ranking signals.

So, what exactly are these core web vitals? Google refers to them as several metrics that measure responsiveness, speed, and visual stability. There’s quite a lot to cover on this topic, but to make things less painful, let’s summaries things:
  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): This is a measurement of page speed. This measures the amount of time it takes for the main piece of site content to load. Ideal time is around 2.5 seconds or quicker.
  • First Input Delay (FID): This measures the responsiveness of a page. This is the amount of time it takes before a site is interactive. The ideal time for this is less than 100ms.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): This is a measure of visual stability. This refers to the amount of layout shifts that may occur on your visual page content. The ideal number for this is less than .1.
Now that you have some idea of what you should be looking at for your website, how exactly do you measure these things? Many of the tools provided by Google have the ability to measure core web vitals. Many of these tools will provide the end user with reports that cover a lot of detail into the health of your sites core web vitals metrics. So you may want to spend some time learning these things, as improving this score would benefit your website.

2. Research Keywords

There are several benefits to keyword research. The first is, by spending the time to find relevant search queries, it will provide you with an insight into the various phrases and words consumers use when looking at different products and services. These keywords can then be used throughout your site content, title, product description etc. – all of which will help it rank better in the search engines.

However, carrying out keyword research isn’t something that’s done solely for the benefit of SEO. When you spend time learning about the various search terms consumers are using, it also helps you uncover your competitors, which in turn, can help you develop new ideas to improve your own product.

When it comes to keyword research, there are many free tools out there. Keyword research is a painstaking, sometimes complex task that will take a considerable amount of time to get to grips with. But in the long run, it’ll be well worth it.

3. Use Multiple Long-Tail Keywords

Google is constantly updating its algorithm, adding new technologies, which makes it more advanced. Today, the Google search engine is capable of understanding relevant subtopics for keywords. For example, if an end user were to search for “home exercise equipment”, the search engine would know that “premium picks” and “budget equipment” are relevant subtopics, and so it would also display these results in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Page).

So what does this mean for SEO? It means, the amount of competition for short tail keywords has increase. However, if you tailor your website to much longer keywords, or keywords that are more specific, then you will have a much better chance of seeing your site rank at the top of the search engine, or at the very least, on the front page.

As an example. If you wanted to rank for “custom branded apparel”, you’d want to lace your title, URL and Meta description with this phrase. However, if you were to incorporate “branded sweatshirts and t-shirts”, “logo jackets for businesses”, and “best sweaters for companies”, into the same content. This would help you rank on a variety of search queries, and it’ll also let the search engine know that all these search terms are related.

4. Create Useful Content

When it comes to optimizing a piece of content, knowing a pages main keyword and using it in the title and content is vital. However, the most important aspect of ranking in the search engines, is creating high quality content, that your site viewers will want to read. Creating content that is of no interest to nobody, is nearly impossible to optimize, no matter what you do to it.

Google now has a better understanding when it comes to searchers intent, value of content and relevancy. However, all of this starts and ends with content that is useful, serving the desires of the consumer, whether that’s an answer to a question, product information or more.

5. Mobile Optimization

If your site has good user experience, it means that web surfers are able to find and navigate through it. Thus, when it comes to ranking, ensuring your site is friendly for mobile users, will surely help it rank higher in the major search engines.

Note: Mobile optimization is a fairly large topic, which is why I recommend, you go away and learn the ins and outs of it.

Current projections puts the number at 70+% of web surfers by 2025, accessing the internet through a mobile device.
Due to this reality, Google made various changes, which saw their search engine become more mobile-centric.

If you want to know whether or not you have a mobile friendly website, there are many test sites you can go to. I suggest you, at the very least check Google’s Search Console, however, there are other places you can go to.

6. Build High Quality Links

When it comes to SEO, especially when considering the long term implications of it, you can never go wrong with high quality links. Google has confirmed many times that high quality links is one of their most important ranking signals.

When building links, you always want to go with quality over quantity. The steps below should help put you on the right track, when building links for your product or service.

The steps below should also ensure, you, at the very least see some improvements in your sites ranking, in the search engines:
  • Utilize social media platforms.
  • Use social media to promote your sites content.
  • Acquire links only from relevant authoritative websites.
  • Offer high quality content to attract your main target audience.
  • Use guest blogging to gain high quality links.
